Tag Archives: Balance

Reflection for today…Karma Says Smile

2 Dec


This reflection is naughty and full of sarcastic humour. I thought it would be fun to inject some of the dark humour that I enjoy into this blog.

Please note that a**holes can be any gender…

If you can laugh and joke about something, it might be a sign that you are healing/have healed. I have to be honest but I deeply agree with the sentiment in this Marilyn Monroe drawing. It is truly how I feel and I am unapologetic about it.


The concept of karma is such an intriguing subject which keeps me reflecting; I will probably keep reflecting on it in the future. I have written about it a few times. {Please see the further reading section below if you are interested}.

How does karma really work? Do we really have karmic debts to pay in this lifetime and subsequent lives? My Buddhist friends and Hindu/followers of Sanatana Dharma friends believe so.

What about divine retribution? Do we get compensated by the universe for the injustices in our lives? Or are these injustices our karma from past lives?

Do the karmic laws balance the scales of justice automatically? It seems there always has to be a type of karmic equilibrium. There are so many questions…

Perhaps the best you can do is strive to be a good/decent person so you don’t have to worry about your karmic debts/karma.


Do you believe in karma? Why or why not?


Further Research…


Sanatana Dharma/Hinduismhttp://veda.wikidot.com/sanatana-dharma


Wish you infinite peace and a crystal-clean conscience,



Further Reading

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Reflection for today…Faith In One’s Spiritual Path -Paulo Coelho

11 Apr

“In order to have faith in his own path,

he does not need to prove that someone else’s path is wrong.”
Paulo Coelho

Warrior of the Light

Stic Man Praying…

Buddhism is an inclusive spiritual path…


Please enjoy “No Way As The Way” by Dead Prez



I love how inclusive “no way as the way” is.

“…My mind is a Buddhist temple.

The truth is simple.

I try to be principled.

Walking with a warrior’s spirit.

Aint’ nothing like learning from first hand life experience.

I’m a realist.

That’s all I deal with.

Respecting truth, that’s all I build with.

A child of the universe.

My religion is life and it’s just as valid.

I strive for balance…”


For more information…

Paulo Coelho…http://paulocoelhoblog.com/

Dead Prez….http://deadprezblog.wordpress.com/

Their new album “Information Age” is available for purchase now…

{Thank you Stic Man & M-1!}




Peace & Namaste…

Reflection for today…The Consequences of Technology -Doris Lessing

18 Sep

“A foolhardy lot, we accepted it all, as we always do, never asked:

“What is going to happen to us now, with this invention of print?”

In the same way, we never thought to ask,

“How will our lives, our way of thinking, be changed by the internet, which has seduced a whole generation with its inanities so that even quite reasonable people will confess that, once they are hooked, it is hard to cut free, and they may find a whole day has passed in blogging etc?” 
— Doris Lessing


The irony is not lost on me that I am using the internet to communicate to you and you are using it to read this post. I am also not saying that the internet is exactly the matrix.

I simply liked this quote because it questions how the internet has changed our lives. Of course, it has changed our lives for the better. I love blogging as much as the next person. You can research anything you want at the touch of a few computer keys. You can communicate with people all over the world. You can buy things online, etcetera.

We also need to analyze the negative ways the internet has changed our lives so that we can find a healthy balance online and offline.

Peace & Namaste…